GOAL 3B-2050

Reaching out to the world – 3 billion people by 2050 with the gospel and love of our Lord Jesus Christ.


Of the Believers of Jesus Christ
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WE believe in God Yahweh, the Father Almighty, Maker of the Earth, heavens, and the whole universe, and in Jesus Christ, His One and Only Holy Lamb -- our God Savior incarnate Yeshua El Gibbor -- who was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit, born of the chosen woman of God, manifested and introduced Himself with mystery as the Lord, Jesus Christ, the Son of God and of man -- with the devine purpose to save and secure all of humanity.

All Sovereign True God from True God, Wonderful Counselor, Almighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace -- of One Being and substance with the Father Almighty and of the Holy Spirit, by whom all power, authority, holiness, justice and infinite wisdom reside, worshipped and glorified as the One and Only Infinite Triune God Almighty.

As our God Savior incarnate, Christ suffered grave human injustice, was crucified, died, and buried -- as a substitution for man's eternal damnation, and be reconciled with the Triune God, once and for all.

On the third day, Jesus Christ rose from the dead with victory; after fourty days, He ascended into Heaven in One Being with the Father Almighty -- with the ministry of intercession to secure humanity from its fallen nature.

From thence, He shall come again in glory to judge the living and the resurrected souls with His righteousness.

WE believe in the substance of the Holy Bible, both in the Old and New Testaments as the preserved Word of God -- spoken through His Prophets, by Jesus Christ Himself, and His Apostles with the inspiration and wisdom of the Holy Spirit; the life-changing power of the Gospel Truth with the Love of God for all of humanity, and the fulfillment of the Great Commission through His annointed Church and messengers -- by God's empowering Spirit and sovereign will.

WE believe in the working, anointing, and empowerment of the Holy Spirit, the Holy Apostolic Church, and the whole Spirit-filled Kingdom Assembly of Christ Jesus;

The communion of believers and genuine love in Christ Jesus, the forgiveness of sins by repentance in Christ as the only Way, the Truth and the Life;

The gift of salvation and sanctification by God's grace through faith, a new life in Christ, sealed with the Holy Baptism -- in the name of the Heavenly Father Yahweh, and of the Holy Lamb Yeshua, and of the Holy Spirit;

The gathering of saints in the Second Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, God's victory against all forces of darkness, and the life everlasting in God's Eternal Kingdom forevermore.

This WE believe in Christ Jesus' Almighty Name, amen.